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T-shirt magnet - Mellow Mellow vs Galaxxxy

Mellow Mellow teamed up with Galaxxxy Japanese store, which sells a lot of Creamy Mami items (clothing and other goods) to create these T-shirt magnets / clips, with the colors of Creamy Mami. They are very nice and are less ridiculous than many other items (and less ugly). We are still looking to get them on the web, but we haven't yet found for the moment.

T-shirt magnet - Tapestry
Release : 2011/10
Material : ??
Size : 40 x 42 mm
Original price : 400 yens one
Manufacturer : Mellow Mellow

Comments :
- Sold in Galaxxxy store
- 5 different models
T-shirt magnet - Mirror T-shirt magnet - Mami in space
T-shirt magnet - Mami flash T-shirt magnet - Mami's wedding
T-shirt magnets T-shirt magnets - Galaxxxy stand
T-shirt magnets